Bruvvy - Little Heat EP
Bruvvy - Little Heat EP

Bruvvy - Little Heat EP

Little Heat EP
Release Date: August 13th, 2021
Genre: Rock
Label: Independent

Hailing from South Florida, four-piece rock act have brought forth a true rock n’ roll EP. Little Heat is the first EP from the group, except for a few standalone singles from 2020 that preceded its release throughout 2020. Here, we find the band focused and airtight in their performances across five tracks in fifteen minutes. Each of the five songs is crafted around a distinct riff, which keeps the foundation of each song, only building off of it as the songs continue. 

“Attn:” kicks things off in proper fashion before sliding into “Not For Sale”, a track that touches on the feelings you get after constantly being told “you’re never gonna make it”. These two in particular were highly reminiscent to me of The Donnas, both in song structure and vocal stylings. Vocalist Liz Varum gives vocal performances with incredible conviction, especially on tracks like “U Think This Is About U” and “Fake It”, two tracks that channel classic rock prodigies of the past, before heading into finale track “Proof”. The chorus of “Proof” (in addition to “Not For Sale”) make use of word play (“I won’t be your slave I can speak for my/self-involved but I carry all my own/wait a second, wanna see what I can do?”) before launching into a Slash-inspired guitar solo. Based solely off of these five tracks, I feel like Bruvvy has a promising future in music, whether it’s with rock, alternative, or whatever they may set their mind to. It’s very clear that they’re good at structuring and writing catchy songs and choruses, and this plays greatly to their benefit. Don’t believe me? Little Heat is your proof. 

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