10 Things Noticed: Porter Robinson @ Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Recap

10 Things Noticed: Porter Robinson @ Bill Graham Civic Auditorium Recap

Porter Robinson

Porter Robinson

The following is a recap of Porter Robinson's "Worlds" Tour stop in San Francisco, CA on September 12, 2014 at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Written by Jared Stossel.

•    First comment: Lots of anime. Lots. Of. Anime. But the artwork used in the visuals was stunning, and complimented the music.

•    Everything was done live. WHAT. For those that don’t follow electronic music closely, most EDM shows are usually performed through a set of turntables and a mixer, with said DJ/producer just mixing songs. For Porter’s set, all of the song pieces were individually broken down, so they could be cued live. This made for very different live show experience. It worked. REALLY well.

•    This is a set that all EDM producers should aspire to perform one day. (Cough cough we get it, Deadmau5, cough cough)

•    Live drums were even used during certain sections. Epic.

•    A famous musician once said that the best thing about rock n’ roll music is having this sense that it could fall apart at any second. That sense of danger and chaos. There were a couple of times when the timing was fucked up. But I loved it, that’s what made it perfect! All of the little imperfections. It didn’t feel like it was a manufactured set. 

Porter Robinson, photo by Ryan Loughlin

Porter Robinson, photo by Ryan Loughlin

•    Shoutout to the two openers: Giraffage and Lemaitre.  The former was apparently a local opener hailing from San Francisco, and he did a nice job. Lemaitre provided some diversity to the show by bringing in a drum kit and guitar to the mix. 

•    The pyro elements were ON FUCKING POINT. They weren’t overused, and they made the epic moments even more epic.

•    I was a bit shocked to head towards the back of the arena and hear lots of loud talking. More so than usual. I don’t think the sound reached as far as it should have. Don’t know if it was the sound guys or the acoustic of the venue, but just an observation.

•    Again, did I mention how fucking amazing it was that everything was live? (Trust me, I love a good DJ set. I’m a DJ myself. But it’s cool to see someone step outside the box).

•    LANGUAGE. That is all.

Porter Robinson's "Worlds" Tour is making its way around the world through December 7. Find tickets and music at www.facebook.com/porterrobinsonmusic

This has been another Shameless Promotion. 

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