SHOW RECAP: Every Time I Die Bring Hardcore To Life at Sold Out Bay Area Show

SHOW RECAP: Every Time I Die Bring Hardcore To Life at Sold Out Bay Area Show

Every Time I Die performing at Slims in San Francisco, CA. February 21, 2017. Photo: Jared Stossel

Every Time I Die performing at Slims in San Francisco, CA. February 21, 2017. Photo: Jared Stossel

Every Time I Die
w/ Knocked LooseHarm's WayEternal Sleep
San Francisco, CA
February 21, 2017

"We're Every Time I Die. Get the fuck up here." That sentence kicked off the band's highly anticipated show, and it set the tone for the entire evening. The photo you see above was taken after three kicks to the head and a punch in the face from crowd surfers and quite possibly the rowdiest crowd I've ever been a spectator in. 

Every Time I Die are a completely different breed of hardcore band. They can fit in with metalcore bands, yet they play with more ferocity and intensity than any of their peers in the industry. Mixing chaotic instrumentation with guttural screaming, harsh lyricism, and an onstage workout regimen that we can classify as "stage presence", they're one of the most intense bands playing live music today. Their shows are an experience, and one that is not for the faint of heart. (Word to the wise: if you don't like having your personal space invaded, stay as far away from the pit and the front of the stage as possible.)

The entire lineup of the 'Low Teens' tour is nothing but an escalation in chaos. Eternal SleepHarm's WayKnocked LooseEvery Time I Die. Each band saw the crowd becoming more and more aggressive, yet brotherly/sisterly as the night went on. All brought a different flavor of hardcore music to the table, but all pale in comparison to the Buffalo, New York-based headliners. There isn't a calming moment to be found throughout the duration of their set. The air is filled haze and sweat. At least three fans are stage diving at any given moment. It's reckless, it's rock and roll, and it's fucking awesome.

If you get to see Every Time I Die at any point in your life, make sure you seize the opportunity. If it's on one of their headlining tours, you're in for a major treat.  

Every Time I Die

Knocked Loose

Harm's Way

Eternal Sleep

This has been another Shameless Promotion. 

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