Vans Warped Tour Brings Chilly Weather and Good Music to Mountain View

Vans Warped Tour Brings Chilly Weather and Good Music to Mountain View


Vans Warped Tour 2017 
Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View, CA
August 4, 2017
Photos and review by Jared Stossel

For a tour that is usually synonymous with hot weather, the August 4th stop of the annual Vans Warped Tour in Mountain View, CA was With the weather mainly overcast, only really heating up in the later part of the day, just in time for the sun to head back down over the horizon, this allowed for prime viewing opportunities of some of the biggest and best names in the world of alternative music.  

The tour has grown substantially since its inception in the early 90s, with a lineup that boasts of not only punk rock, but heavy metal, hip-hop, hardcore, and pop rock. Turn a corner, and you'll find a different stage with a variety of talent, ranging from the bigger names in the industry, to those who are still coming up (and could very well be your next favorite band).  

I must say that this was by far one of my favorite Warped Tours I've had the pleasure of attending. There was a ridiculous of amount of talent and great music throughout the festival, no matter what stage you made your residence for the day. Acts like Andy Black, Dance Gavin Dance, I Prevail, and  Memphis May Fire dominated the main stages, with hip-hop artists Sammy Adams  and Futuristic rounding out a diverse lineup. The incredible Goldfinger and Save Ferris took to the stage later in the afternoon, proving once and for all that punk and ska are still very much alive in the music scene.

A major highlight of the festival were the Monster Mutant Stages. These two stages included some of the heaviest acts in the metal world, ranging from more straight-forward heavy metal (Hatebreed ), to brutal death metal (Carnifex, The Acacia Strain ), to metalcore (Blessthefall ) and the just plain crazy (Gwar ). The past few years have seen Warped Tour lineups heavily utilizing metalcore acts in their roster, and it's proven to be effective. Fans love it, and it's showcased the devotion that the metal community has when it comes to the music. 

I have to say that, after a week of writing and reflecting on this tour, there were two acts that still stick with me as the best sets of the day. The first came from none other than Blessthefall. It's incredible to see a band perform with a great deal of energy, but it's even more incredible to see a band perform like their lives depended on it. Blessthefall perform better and better with every show I see them at, and their set proved that they are one of the best acts around. 

The final act of the day, and the second act I referenced above, is Beartooth. From the moment they stepped onstage, it felt like a completely different world. I have never seen a band on Warped Tour that has had such a perfect closing set, nor one that has literally given me chills with every vocal, every drum hit, and every guitar lick. Their set was like a shot of adrenaline, with crowd surfers tumbling over the barricade and into the arms of security. A perfect way to end a long and memorable (yet chilly) day at the Vans Warped Tour. Next summer can't get here soon enough.

For more information on the Vans Warped Tour, visit  

This has been another Shameless Promotion.  

Interview: Hatebreed's Matt Byrne Talks Drums and 'The Concrete Confessional'

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