Interview: MAYA Talk About Writing During The Pandemic, The Return To Live Shows, and 'Despierta'
Interview: MAYA Talk About Writing During The Pandemic, The Return To Live Shows, and 'Despierta'

Interview: MAYA Talk About Writing During The Pandemic, The Return To Live Shows, and 'Despierta'

While they began in 2004, Maya are becoming a newly emerging force to be reckoned with in the world of hardcore. With their new EP Despierta and an insane performance in the Bay Area just a few weeks ago (their first since the beginning of the pandemic) under their belts, the four-piece act from San Jose, CA (formerly known as Maya Over Eyes) spoke with SF Shameless about how the pandemic shaped the music that they ended up creating for Despierta, their name change, how they approached recording an album in isolation, and their return to live music.

Main Photo Credit: Andy Knowbody

I generally try to avoid asking band name questions, but I’m always interested when a band changes their name. You used to go by “Maya Over Eyes”, what influenced you to shorten it to just “Maya”?

Honestly, to make it easier on people to pronounce (laughs). Also, the word MAYA in our name holds the most meaning in itself.

I wasn’t lucky enough to be able to attend the massive hardcore show that took place in San Jose back in June. Can you describe to me what it felt like to be in that environment, not just playing a show again, but playing with a crowd of over 2,000 people reacting to a hardcore show for the first time in 18 months?

We didn’t feel the effects of that moment till days later. Looking back at pictures and footage it’s like reliving it but feeling the emotions in real time. I think everyone who was there both on and off stage felt a push and pull of raw energy as the night went on. Historic day in SJ.

 From what I understand, you started writing the EP as soon as the pandemic hit. Did you begin day 1 of the lockdowns, or did it take a little bit of time? Did you write remotely, or would the band get together for small writing sessions? Walk me through a bit of the process this time around.

It was June of last year and we were just getting together to chill and jam around. This is about 3 months into the lockdown. It had already been a few years sense we all had gotten together so there was already some excitement built up just to see the homies and play music. But due to lockdowns we were only able to get together about 20 times or so before we hit the studio. The rest all came together organically and for the love of the music.

How soon after writing did you get into the studio? How long did it take for these six songs to come to life in a recording environment?

We went into Panda Studios earlier this year in January. We blocked out a weekend and lived at the studio during the entire recording process. The homie Toshio made us feel at home and played a vital role in bring this project to life.

The term “despierta” translates to “awakening”. What does the name of the new EP represent as a whole for the band?

Collectively we felt that in the recent years we’ve seen ourselves and the world around us purge. This music represents a shedding of skin to elevate higher. 

What made you choose “Sangrando” as the first single, essentially the first introduction that people would have to both the new EP and Maya as a whole?

The energy of Sangrando is threaded throughout the EP. We felt it represented our growth and gave us a chance to show a glimpse of what’s to come. 

What do you hope audiences take away from Maya after listening to Despierta?

That everything we do comes from a real place.

Maya’s new EP, Despierta, is available now via Shark City Recordings.

Twitter: @MayaOverEyes_SJ
Instagram: @mayaovereyes

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